In other words, only barrier between you and God is 49 Sanskrit alphabets or answer to the question – Who or what exist between you and God?



49 Sanskrit alphabets



These 49 alphabets are symbol of 49 airs governing our body. Erasing of alphabets means stilling 49 airs in the body. If 49 kinetic airs are stilled then state changes – from you (kinetic state)  to God (Static State).

But how you can effect change of state?

Today, the only answer to this is – ‘kriyayoga’,  an esoteric spiritual practice that leads to change in your state effected through stilling of kinetic airs.


This near extinct practice has been revived by Sri Shamachurn Lahiri Mahasaya and elucidated about these 49 airs in His expatiation on Vedantadarshana. Later on, in this Guru lineage, Kriyayogacharya Dr. Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee more elaborated on this and advised his disciple kriyabans to set first target of achieving ‘spontaneous cessation / stilling of external breathing motion through ardent practise of kriyayoga’ as that reflects stilling of 49 airs or ‘pranapana gatiruddha pranayama parayana'(Gita 4/29).


Although it is not easy, but also not impossible. Lahiri Mahasaya said – ‘banat banat ban jaye’.  Keep practicing kriyayoga on regular basis, you will start adding incremental stillness every day and cumulatively your still content will increase and kinetic content will decrease and finally one day you will have 100% still content and you become God realized.


One may ask – Is there any proof that people realized God state through kriyayoga?

Proof is in the venerable lineage of soul-realized kriyayoga Gurus in last 120+ years post Sublime Departure of Yogiraj Shamachurn Lahiri Mahasaya. This lineage is continuing. Unless one reaches still state, he/she cannot initiate others on kriyayoga. So, it is Grace of Still State or God that is turning kinetic human to Static God. He starts reviving it through Guru lineage when human become too much kinetic…that is the dictum of Gita- ‘dharma sansthapanaathaya’ in ‘glanir bhavati bharata’. Revival process already commenced, one needs to have an eye to see that.